5 User Retention Strategies for your No-Code App that don’t cost extra money

On Air Mobile App builder
4 min readMar 22, 2022

Startups and founders pay a lot of attention and focus on developing robust and valuable apps with unique features covering every aspect. That is great, but before, during, and even after the launch of the no-code app, the app developers forget to focus on the essential aspect of their app: keeping the users around.

User Retention is Cost-Efficient

If you are not focusing on user retention strategy because of time or money as you don’t want to spend on costly and extensive builds, you don’t need to worry now. It is because keeping users around is not necessarily time-consuming or expensive. You can begin doing things to make your valuable app for repeat users.

Strategies for User-retention

The following strategies help you retain your current and future users, regardless of how big or small the budget is.

Seamless Onboarding

Your no-code app requires onboarding experience. It enables the new users to navigate and complete their actions within the pages. Without a proper onboarding experience, the users will reach your app with so much confusion or may not figure it out. In that case, an excellent opportunity is lost to develop a track record with that person.

Keeping your app simple allows you to benefit from a massive service as everyone loves convenience. Thus, it would be best to make your onboarding experience a welcoming step in the entire process.

Every app developer goes through endless testing rounds, but everyone has a starting point. First, make sure that your users have a seamless experience. Then, keep it short and simple, don’t bother them by asking for so much information. These are some simple steps that could make a difference later on.

Clear Navigation

The more your users have to search and click to find what they’re looking for, the less likely they will return. But, again, it all goes back to convenience and ease. Nobody likes to get disrupted, even if it’s only for a few extra seconds. So when there is any confusion on your app, you may lose valuable users.

Sometimes, too heavy and complex designs also get in the way of proper functionality. For example, an app with icons for navigation but without any text might visually appeal. But if it is not understandable to the users, it can create problems for you.

Thus, make sure your navigation is simple. Try to keep all pages close to the index and never forget that an effortless experience is always better when talking about app navigation.

Perfect Responsiveness

Making your app seamlessly responsive is challenging as it can get tedious. However, once you get used to it, you’ll be able to go through your pages quickly and get every little detail you require. So, remember to make your app responsive enough; otherwise, it can get annoying.


No matter you have the resources to appoint a copywriter or not, you can easily make some significant improvements to the words that your app users see on the app. Copywriting is essential. Even the simple details can make huge differences because creativity matters.

But even so, people ignore copywriting all the time, and it’s a mistake. Because no matter how good your product is, without decent copywriting, users might land on a page and never come back. So, always try to improve the writing on your app.

In-App Messaging

Push notifications along with email campaigns are pretty convenient. However, they’re not easy. But, in-app messaging is something you can implement very quickly. If you use in-app messaging in a better way, you’ll be able to retain more users. The best part is that in-app messages are usually triggered if a user takes a particular action.

It simply means the developers are aware that their users are on their app as soon they receive the message. Unlike emails and push notifications, with the help of in-app messaging, you can have a well-structured plan to help your users reach your app exactly when you want to and without any delay.

In-app messages are an excellent opportunity for onboarding and introducing new and unique features. It also helps you in promoting events and sales. At the same time, the feature helps in improving customer service. You can use them at your convenience in whatever way it fits you best as long as you are using them.


Many developers ignore retention. They think they have not reached that point yet where they can begin focusing on it. After all, you don’t have sufficient users.

However, focusing, thinking, and planning on user retention, no matter where you’re in the development process, is one of the best things to do. It will help your app get successful after the launch. Not just that, it can even help you save a lot of money



On Air Mobile App builder

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